About me

Tasks completed:

  • Deploy mBridge system for HKMA and commercial banks
  • Project management in Credit Reference Platform(CRP)-Common Module
  • DevOps in Commercial Data Interchange (CDI)

Skills acquired:

  • DevOps tools: Terraform, Ansible
  • Project management tools and concepts: Jira, Figma, Notion, SDLC, Agile 
  • Cloud infarstructure: AWS cloud, Tencent Cloud, Nignx, K8s, Helm chart, docker
  • Development related: UAT test cases, restful API, MongoDB, PostgradDPB

Knowledge gained:

  • Cybersecurity (only get to know): ISO27001, HSM communication skills with IT Audit
  • Banking System: RTGS, CHATS, DvP, PvP, FPS, IAM Smart
  • Web3: DLT, Cryptography, DIDs, VC, CBDC, eHKD
Project Manager Assistant (Intern), Emali Limited | Jun 2022 – May2023

Task Completed: 

  • Participated in the design of KeyPear POC. KeyPear is a Web3 Identity infrastructure that provides DID wallet, Verifiable Credentials receive and creation. 
  • Assist project manager in getting business requirement for blockchain based E-tendering system for SHK.
  • Assist communicate with financial institutions in project initial phrases.

Knowledge gained: 

  • Web3 concepts: verifiable credentials, wallet, KERI, DID
  • Contech concepts: BIM, digital twins, tendering procedure, contech regulations
  • Project Management: get business requirement, define scope, corporate communicate 

Task Completed: 

  • Design and develop a VR game for social work simulation 
  • Communicate with professors and phD to get business requirement
  • Test run in the lesson 

Knowledge gained: 

  • Technical: VR technology, voice generator and chat bot
  • Others: understand current limitation of classroom teaching

Task completed: 

  • Share with students web development concepts, teach them how to create a website with WordPress that help them to find a job in the future. 
  • Teach student how to do video editing in iMovie

Knowledge gained: 

  • Deliver technical knowledge to SEN students aged 18-25

Task Completed: 

  • Design and research on EEG-driven masturbation cup for disability
  • Design and deliver a VR sex consultation for heart disease patients
  • Organise and deliver talks and workshops to various NGOs, Organisations.
  • Budget planning for the project initiatives.

Skill gained: 

  • research on EEG, sexology and disabilities 
  • reflection on sex education and disable sex right 
  • external communication and marketing, branding strategy 
  • IoT development and 3D printing, hardware engineering  

Task completed: 

  • Coordinated Hong Kong Blockchain Olympian 2021 
  • Design teaching materials to make blockchain concepts easier 

Skills gained: 

  • Public speaking, event planning 
  • Web3 concept: DLT, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency


Task Completed: 

  • Assist the transition of CISV Hong Kong to a charitable body
  • Coordinate International Camp recruitments, post-camp evaluation 
  • Planning Fundraising strategy  

Skill gained: 

  • External communication, event planning, leadership

Task Completed: 

  • Project Manager of TEA2025, a 6-days regional camp in Hong Kong in a size of 50 people from 7 countries.
  • Planner of TEA2024, a 6-days regional camp in Mongolia in a size of 40 people from 4 countries.
  • Establish strategic planning for CISV JBHK to strength regional participation 

Skill gained: 

  • External communication, event planning, leadership
  • Project Management
  • Communicate with various cultures

Task completed: 

  • Organise talks that over 200 students participated
  • Facilitate KTEO in competitions, training

Knowledge gained: 

  • Event planning, team work 
  • Entrepreneurship 

Task completed: 

  • Facilitate local artist in a workshop to general public in a scale of 100 people
  • Facilitate opening ceremony of the museum
  • Hosting a career talk with an audience scale of 300+ people

Knowledge gained: 

  • Event planning, team work 
  • Entrepreneurship 
Awardee of Ideation, HKSTP

Awarded Project: Mealmeal

Awarded organisation: Mealmeal Limited 

Mealmeal is an AI food tracking and medication validation application that help people to build eating awareness on their daily consumption. 

Project status: MVP 

My role: External communication, Cloud infrastructure

Awarded Project: Mealmeal

Awarded organisation: Mealmeal Limited 

Mealmeal is an AI food tracking and medication validation application that help people to build eating awareness on their daily consumption. 

Project status: MVP 

My role: External communication, Cloud infrastructure

Awarded project: VR Sexy

Awarded organisation: CupHouse Limited

VR sex consultation for heart-diseases patients who are newly diagnosed or recently recovered from heart attack.

Project status: Pilot

My role: Product Owner

Awarded project: Happy Bird

Awarded organisation: CupHouse Limited

EEG-driven masturbation cup for physically disabled people. The project has terminated as the project team believe that it does not serve the objective well. 

Project status: Terminated

My role: Product Owner

Awarded project: Happy Bird

Awarded organisation: CupHouse Limited

EEG-driven masturbation cup for physically disabled people. The project has terminated as the project team believe that it does not serve the objective well. 

Project status: Terminated

My role: Product Owner

Awarded project: AI Car Insurance Quotation tools 

Awarded Organisation: Zpiral Limited

An car damage detection tools that allow people to quote the amount needed for car repairing right after a car accident. It adopts ORC to detect the damages. 

Project status: nil 

Role: Business analytic   

Awarded project: Zprial CRM

Awarded organisation: Zpiral Limited 

A no-sql CRM for SMEs with elastic search. 

Project status: launched 

My Role: Marketing, sales

Hi there! I am Winnie Ip. Thanks for taking the time to learn more about me. I am trying to keep it short.

I was a nursing undergraduate eager to make the world a better place, yet I wanted my impact to be more “scalable.” That’s why I started studying technology. 

Apart from technology, with the health decline of my close relatives, the second thing I learned in my undergrad was that financial well-being is part of our well-being.

What decision did I make to make me who I am now? 

I tried to get myself “as technical as possible”, by joining various hackathon, bootcamps and I finally got a chance to work at a Blockchain solution firm. 

I am so glad that my first full-time job is technical based which pave a strong foundation to move forward. 

How do people describe me? 

Here are some keywords:  brave, leadership, team player, creative.

People love to communicate with me and I can always provide constructive advice from various perspectives. 

What do I want to achieve in the recent years? 

I would like to have the experience of getting things from 0 to 1, and to know more about how does a business works.